Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI

International annual conference on the Wider Atlantic

A More Assertive Atlantic: Its Meaning for the World



December, 2023

Marrakesh, Morocco

Atlantic Dialogues 2023

The Policy Center for the New South will be holding the 12th edition of The Atlantic Dialogues, its annual high-level international conference, from December 14th to 16th in Marrakech, Morocco. The Atlantic Dialogues is an annual high-level gathering of influential public and private sectors leaders from around the Atlantic Basin for open, candid and informal discussions on cross-regional and cross-sectoral issues.

Launched in 2012, The Atlantic Dialogues have reached a milestone since they have been running for over a decade. The initial vision was to underscore the growing importance of Africa and Latin America as actors in the Southern Atlantic space by transforming mindsets, mental maps and narratives. Many editions that ensued have addressed key strategic issues with over 400 participants each year from Africa, Latin America, Europe and North America, former presidents and ministers, representatives of major institutions, CEOs, experts and seasoned African, European and US journalists to anchor the panels.

Following the discussion in 2022 on “Cooperation in a Mutating World: Opportunities of the Wider Atlantic” to explore renewed collaboration in times of crises, the AD community will convene again to reflect on what assertiveness can mean for the Atlantic, and what a more assertive Atlantic can mean for the world. To this end, the 2023 edition of the conference will focus on the following theme, "A More Assertive Atlantic: Its Meaning for the World”.

The idea of a more assertive Atlantic is at the root of a number of economic, political and security trends that have the potential to significantly impact on the world. A deeper understanding of the meaning and potential implications of this new perception of the Atlantic Basin is needed, as it marks a shift in the dynamics of the region. Understanding this phenomenon requires exploring different perspectives from Africa, Europe and the Americas.

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AD2022 has so far...

Emerging Leaders

Atlantic Currents

An Annual Report on Wider Atlantic Perspectives and Patterns

The yearly report Atlantic Currents is published on the first day of each Atlantic Dialogues’ edition. In this flagship publication, researchers and experts from the Policy Center for the New South’s network analyze the state of Africa and the world with respect to the conference’s annual theme.

ATLANTIC CURRENTS 9th EDITION: Cooperation in a Mutating World: Opportunities of the Wider Atlantic

This ninth edition of “Atlantic Currents” appears in an international context marked predominantly by a ten month-war between Russia and Nato members that began February 2022. The war is affecting not only


Atlantic dialogues
Atlantic dialogues
Atlantic dialogues
Atlantic dialogues
Atlantic dialogues
Atlantic dialogues
Atlantic dialogues
Atlantic dialogues
10 Years of the Atlantic Dialogues
The geopolitics of the green transition in the Mediterranean
Lunch Time Discussion
The Blue Economy as a driver of Interconnexion of the Wider Atlantic
Break Time Discussion
Inclusive Finance to Tackle the Development-Climate Change- Security Nexus
The Geopolitics of Oil and Gas

Interview with Francis Perrin, Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South

Break Time Discussion
Weaponization of Information :The Internet, a Tool for Democracy or a Space for Digital Battlefield?
Break Time Discussion
The Wider Atlantic: A Space for Innovation
Lunch Time Discussion
Diaspora, Integration, Mobility and Development in the Wider Atlantic
African Continental FTA: Opportunities & Challenges for a Unified, Prosperous & Developed Continent

Interview with Mounia Boucetta, Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South